Well, I was going to write a post to complain and ask your opinion on my dilemma, but then I realized that I shouldn't do that. So, I will write a post about nothing. Nothing at all.
Life is still going and we are still being blessed. I am so amazed at how the Lord is so aware of everything we need in life.
My husband and I left our home in AZ two years ago when I relocated to Utah and my poor husband had to follow. Since we have left our home we have been blessed to have amazing renters in our home that have taken care of it and paid every month on time.
Now that my husband has lost his job we can no longer make the house payments. So, we got a friend to be our realtor. This has been a long process, but we finally got our house on the market.
It was put on the market last Wednesday, had two walk throughs and two offers by that same Saturday. This is unreal for Arizona. The market is so bad there. The value of homes in AZ have dropped in price as much as $50,000. Our home was bought seven years ago for $107,000 and we listed the home for $69,000. If you need a home in AZ now is the time to buy.
Anyway, we are hoping our realtor can negotiate well with the bank and settle with a short sale.
This is ideal for us and the bank. The Lord's hand has been with our AZ home. This has been one part of my life that I let go of and handed it over to the Lord. I knew I couldn't do, but I knew the Lord could. Look what He has done. So AMAZING!! God is good!!!