Friday, May 8, 2009

A MeMe award...

My favorite blog in blogland passed on an award to me. This blog is In This Small House. Sandra is a fun-loving person. She can make anyone feel like you are her best friend. I'm just honored to have her as a sister. Although, I don't get to see her enough. Anyway, for this award I am to share seven things about my personality. I hope I know myself well enough to do this. I honestly have just recently been able to really get to know myself and know what I love and enjoy. I am happy to say that I do enjoy being with myself. I guess that is always a good thing. Anyway, here I go:
  1. I can be serious at times. Although, I have been learning to relax and enjoy laughing more and dance with my family.
  2. I love to smile. In high school I was awarded the "best smile".
  3. I enjoy getting to know someone new. At church I like to look for the new person and go meet them.
  4. I feel like I do good at allowing others to feel important.
  5. I asked my husband what he thought about my personality and he said, "Spiritual". Something I work on daily. Let's hope it is working. I enjoy listening for inspiration that I need for myself and my family.
  6. This is hard...I would say, "Confident" I am confident with myself. Took me years to find the confidence that I have. Although, I am a little nervous for this new school year because I was voted in as the VP of the PTA. I was nominated by someone else NOT myself. I'll see how confident I am when this new job starts.
  7. Lastly I would say, I try to avoid concerning myself with what others think about me. I guess they are going to think it if I worry about it or not, so I choose to just live my life the best way I can and forget the rest.

I am not perfect, because I work hard at making all these things happen and at times I have my set backs and then I have to pick myself back up and keep going. Life can be hard at times and I know that by the hard times it creates stronger personalities, which can only help us be better. I really don't enjoy sharing these things about myself. I will have to take a day or two getting over the anxiety of publishing this post. Thanks for being my blogging friends.


Small House said...

It was nice reading about you. I didn't know you were voted "BEST SMILE". I believe it though. You do have a pretty one. I was voted prettiest eyes. At least we know there is one great thing on our face. (HA HA)

The kids looked cute on your last post. I can't believe I missed that.
Have a good day.

Angie said...

I think you are all those things! You have always been so sweet to me and I appreciate it more then you know. Its good to have to reply to things like that once in awhile I think it boosts the self esteem:)I just wanted you to know that your great and I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!

Dahlene said...

You have the best personality Janice. Thanks for being such a good example.

CB said...

I love the 7 things you listed about yourself - it is fun to get to know you better :D

Happy Mother's Day!!