Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dopptastic Night of Music!!

I have the honor to teach my kids piano. We do our best to have weekly lessons and practice everyday. I must say we do pretty well. Recently my girls prepared for a piano recital. They were asked to memorize two songs and perform at the "Dopptastic Night of Music". We all dressed up ready for the big night. We decided we wanted to walk to the recital so the girls and I walked around the loop of our driveway and went to the recital. My little boy wanted to drive. My husband drove him around the loop letting John think we were driving to the recital and he was not happy when he returned back to the drive way. He sat inside the van for quite a while before he would come out."Smiles" was up first...she played her first song.Clissy was next to play her song.Then of course, "Indy", had to take a turn. He can actually tell you what a quarter, half and whole note are. He likes to have is turn too.
After our recital we walked back home for a treat. It was a fun filled night of Dopptastic music. One night we will do again. If thou art merry, praise the Lord with singing, with music, with dancing, and with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving. D&C 136:28


Angie said...

Thanks for the laugh! When you told about going to the recital it gave me a great laugh especially the part about your boy. What a great experience they have with you helping them learn about music!

Ann Marie said...

Too funny that you "walked" and "drove" to the recital! It's all about imagining and fun memories! ~ You sound like a good Mom.

Dahlene said...

You are so cute Janice. I'm so glad you had a great recital. Your kids are growing up.

Small House said...

I'm finally catching up on blogging! I have a minute!! Fun recital. The kids are so cute. Loved how you walked to the recital, and John was upset that the recital was really at your house. FUNNY!
Have agood day.

CB said...

That is really a great idea!
Also, you are instilling a love of music, family and happiness in your children. All such wonderful things.

Jada said...

Thats awesome! Your girls are very talented. I am dying to know how the job interview went. I don't know if I can wait until sunday. Let me know.

Ann Marie said...

I'm sorry about your news.
What work is your husband looking for?

We really feel hope, faith and peace. When I get down and fearful, it doesn't help anything! We pray alot, and worry still.. but we also want our kids to have a happy summer despite ous situation! If you get a chance.. read President Monsons Conference talk " Be of Good Cheer.." It is a great comfort! :)

My thoughts will be with your family as well. I wish I knew what work your husband was looking for!

Winona said...

Janice, such cute pictures of your kids at their recital. LOL Winona